Meet the Holdiness Crew
Samuel - The Captain
Samuel is the dreamer and the only one who could have possibly come up with such a crazy adventure for us to do as a family. He always has a smile on his face and is up for all types of adventure.
He loves the LORD, his family, SCUBA diving, and the water. If you’re around him, you better watch your back because he’s always up for a good practical joke.
Amber - Chaos Coordinator
I’m the wife, mommy, teacher (as of recent), photographer/videographer, and coordinator of all the things. I’m the practical one who thrives on a good routine, a calendar, and multitasking. Learning to slow down and embrace the unknowns may take me some getting used to.
Morgan (13) - First Mate
Morgan is the quintessential first born, keeping everyone in line and reminding me of all things I forget. She is the most responsible 13 year old I’ve ever met and younger kids adore her. She loves a good book and the ocean. She has recently become SCUBA certified and is ready to find some sharks!
Matthew (11) - Swab
Matthew is the hard worker who loves a good dad joke. He's a jokester like his dad and lover of adventure and thrill. He’s quick to make a friend wherever we go and always has a random fact to add to any conversation.
Luke (9) - Lob (Little Swab)
Luke’s personality is full of life and his laugh is contagious. He has become enamored with all things boat - electronics, engines, water, you name it! All he needs is a ball to make him happy. But a pair of sunglasses or a hat to make him look cool is even better.
Lily (7) - Swabette
We say that Lily’s motto is “Anything you can do, I can do better” because if she decides to try something new, there’s no stopping her! She loves all things girly, dances every time she hears music, and is the resident dolphin caller!